!put off #:: #zcomment#::~ Delete files by size, crc# The main batch files and rexx files from. This mob of settings is not layout specific. !! where the exe files go !!set ypath #%SystemDrive%\Programs\Exe !! : oou !!set yapps #%SystemDrive%\Programs\Exe !! where unerase.rex lives !!set ydll Programs\Ini

!! where the batch files go !!set ycmd Programs\Exe

!! where the exe files go !!set yscr #%SystemDrive%\# !! where the exe files go !!set ypath c:\winnt\data\mswin\sh !! where uerase.rex lives !!set ydll apps\dll !! where the batch file goes !!set ycmd apps !! where the exe files go !!set ypath d:\mswin\exe !! where uerase.rex lives !!set ydll cdata\batch\util !! where the batch file goes !!set ycmd cdata\batch You could see in Rob van der Woude's site if there is such a script in DOS/W9x version. If %maxnum%=!foundnum! echo %%A >BnotinA.txtĮcho - >BnotinA.txtĬopy /B both.txt+AnotinB.txt+BnotinA.txt dupli.txt >nulįor %%A in (dirA.txt dirB.txt both.txt AnotinB.txt BnotinA.txt numlines.txt) do ( If %maxnum%=!foundnum! echo %%A >AnotinB.txtĮcho - >AnotinB.txtĮcho Files that are found in folder %dirB% but NOT in folder %dirA% >BnotinA.txtįind /V /C "this_is_an_absurd_string" dirA.txt >numlines.txtįor /F "tokens=* delims= " %%A in (dirB.txt) do (

::-Įcho Files that are found in BOTH folders %dirA% AND %dirB% >both.txtĮcho - >both.txtĮcho Files that are found in folder %dirA% but NOT in folder %dirB% >AnotinB.txtįind /V /C "this_is_an_absurd_string" dirB.txt >numlines.txtįor /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%B in (numlines.txt) do set /A maxnum=%%Bįor /F "tokens=* delims= " %%A in (dirA.txt) do (įor /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%B in (numlines.txt) do set /A foundnum=%%B ::thanks to Rob van Der Woude for the examples, tutorials and ::Find duplicates files in two directories - DUPLI.CMD